Monday 28 April 2014

Lego Movie Poster: Kill Bill

I remember when first started I always build lego in my own way. But as I get to know more building techniques, they help me to make things easier and the result more lockable.

This week's movie poster is more complicated than before. The building took about three hours in a happy evening. Its photo was take the next morning, as I preferred to use daylight. And this time with a tripod as well to make sure it was straight and sharp.

Monday 21 April 2014

Lego Movie Poster: the Graduate

I hope when you see this one and the moment you work out which movie it is, there's a smile on your face. 

Honest it wasn't too difficult building the two parts, as you can see. But I thought about how to make the two parts work together nicely in photography. At first, I was going to shoot them together. That means either the foreground or the background is out of focus. But later I decide to shoot them separately and put together in Photoshop. It is more faithful to the original poster.

Monday 14 April 2014

Lego Movie Poster: Thank You for Smoking

The difficult part for me while making all these lego movie posters is not just building the object, but to pick the poster, and think of a way to recreate its visual. This one is a good example. 

For photography, I used the same method as in "the Devil wears Prada". You can read more about it here, 

Monday 7 April 2014

Lego Movie Poster: Lolita

With the oscar heat, this seems to be a movie month. So I decide to post another movie poster I built with Lego here. The movie itself is not new, but this work is my favorite one so far. It's simple and deliver the iconic message in a few blocks. The way the photo was taken and edited makes it poster-like as well. Maybe I'll add some graphic design later to perfect it. 

It should be easy to guess, so who'd like to give it a try?