Monday 28 July 2014

Lego Movie Poster: Little Miss Sunshine

It was fun watching the movie, as well as building the yellow van and five characters. I mean, six. I started from little Miss Sunshine, then uncle, brother and mother, each one more difficult as I wanted to be more creative and in the same time was running out of useful pieces. Just when I finished mother, I looked at the original poster, and hey, there's the father sitting at driver seat.

Monday 21 July 2014

Lego Movie Poster for...

It's an upcoming Richard Linklater movie.

His works's always special, be it a heavily conversed situation, or a real-time reunion, or this one-----shoot over 12 years over the growth of a boy. Looking forward to seeing the movie so much, that I made a lego poster for the movie, as a tribute.

Tuesday 1 July 2014

Upcoming Lego short "____ in London"

I am posting this at Amsterdan Airport on the way to London. There, "Michael" and "Lola" will have a new adventure. Who is the shadow behind them? What is in his hand? Everything will be revealed by the end of July.

If you'd like to know more about "Michael" and "Lola", please click here: and see their adventure in Venice.

Sunday 15 June 2014

Sewing Machine

My boyfriend rent this supposedly "antique" sewing machine that is about 20cm big as a prop for his photoshoot. The deal was he was going to rent it right? He paid 2000RMB for it, and when return, he would get 1000RMB back. It's an expensive rent you would say. But no, the shop owner denied every bit about the renting and refused to take the sewing machine back. So it has been sitting on our shelf ever since. I always like that photo he did. This renting story kind of worth it as well. Now I've made a Lego replica out of. What a good machine!

Tuesday 20 May 2014

Favourite childhood icecream

(From left to right) Red bean ice pop, salty ice pop, doll face ice cream

Something that is part of the after-80's memory.

Monday 12 May 2014

Monday 5 May 2014

Lego Movie Poster: Scarface

After the "Kill Bill" Lego poster recreation, I see the possibility of involving people in the lego movie poster building. Before I thought that wasn't possible because the people or face appearing on the poster tends to be significant, and if done wrong will lead to non-recognition. But with proper graphic and visual cues, it turns out totally plausible and fun.